How to make money blogging. That seems to be the most asked question I get. The second would be how do I make money FAST.
With blogging, any other business, there is no such thing as fast money! You have to work and you need to work hard.
If you are new here, let me tell you a bit about my journey. I started my blog on blogspot back in 2013. It started out as a hobby and no effort was really put into it. Blogging was fun and I wanted to share my life as a new mom.
Within a year, I was regularly taking on small blog campaigns and started to think that maybe this could actually turn into a full time business.
But it wasn’t until my husband passed away in 2016, that I decided to take the leap of faith. That’s when I FINALLY switched over to wordpress and started treating my blog as a business and not just a hobby.
Making the switch from a hobby to business is key. Turning your blog into a full time job takes dedication, consistent strategy and thick skin. You need to be prepared for brands to tell you know and for some brands to ask you to work for free.
Turning Your Blog into a Business
Make money with little page views:
It is possible to earn income without massive amounts of pageviews. But, to do so, you need to have blogged consistently (2-3 blog posts a week) for at least 6 months. Influencer agencies and brands want to make sure you have enough content on your blog to see if you would be a great fit to work with them.
When can I start monetizing?
My first paid blog campaign was exactly 6 months after I started. I had already posted numerous recipe posts and craft tutorials that I did on my own and was not compensated for. But when a brand reached out to me, I was able to give them several examples of my work and they wanted to work with me.
Ways to make money on a blog?
There are numerous ways to earn income from blogging. Everything from affiliates programs, influencer networks, working directly with brands and advertising.
For me personally I prefer to work directly with brands or influencer networks. Sometimes the brand will pitch me ideas on what they are looking for and from there we negotiate on price and terms of the sponsorship. Working directly with brand can be very lucrative, but also time consuming as you are sending email (or phone calls) back and forth until the contract has been signed.
With influencer networks you first need to apply to become part of the network. Once accepted, you then can apply for campaigns. If chosen for the campaign, you will then be sent a full scope of the job and can either accept or deny the offer. This is a great option because the network is doing all of the negotiating and deal with scope of the project. All you have to do is follow the guidelines.
Blogging is something that I absolutely enjoy and I don’t ever want to go back to the corporate world. But back to my most asked questions, is that it is possible to make money blogging. But you need to have something to say that readers want to hear and you have to work hard. To gain their trust and for them to keep wanting to come back and hear more.
To make money you have to work hard for those sponsorships, go above and beyond on each one. The more experience you have, you can then start asking for higher paid job. But like any business, you are only as successful as you want to be.