So I’ve been keeping a BIG secret from my blog. I wasn’t sure if, when or how to even write about it. I mean how does one begin? It’s so personal, raw and scary. But I guess that is my life now. Lots of new things, firsts and having to get out of my comfort zone.
It’s been a year since my husband of almost 12 years passed away. Of PNEUMONIA! Who dies of pneumonia at 39?! Just thinking about it all takes my breath away and brings me to tears. (This is as much details as I care to share on this little blog of mine.)
So where does that leave us? Little man and I are trying to figure out life, how to carry on dads memory and hold on to all the love he gave us. At times we manage just fine, other times curl up together and cry or simply ask why did this happen?
That said, there will be some changes to my blog. There isn’t much out there on the blogsphere regarding young widows, although it’s much more common than any of us could imagine. So I plan on writing some about widowhood, being a widow parent, things that have helped us so far in this journey and lots of what NOT to SAY OR DO to someone in my position (I think I could write a novel on this topic alone.)
I hope you continue to follow along!
Shirley Wood says
I cannot even imagine how painful it must be. I admire your courage. You never know whose like you will touch with your story.
There is no right age to die but 39 is most certainly far too young. Good luck in the new direction you are taking.
Oh wow, sorry for your loss. It is tough and challenging at times. Your son and you will make it through.
I am so sorry for your loss 🙁 I have a sweet friend whose husband was killed in a car accident in 2016. I will send this along to her! <3
I am so sorry for your loss. Peace to you. May you find a blog direction that will bring hope & healing to your family and others. Take care.
I am so so sorry for your loss. I cant even imagine. I think talking about it will be so helpful to so many
Oh gosh. I know people always says time heals everything, but I just can't imagine that to be true in this situation. Sending you all my love. Your little boy is so lucky to have your love <3
I am so sorry to hear this and will be praying for you and your son. I can't imagine being in your shoes. Good for you for being open to sharing as I know many will benefit from your experience!
I'm so sorry that your family is going through this. I hope being able to open up and write about these things in the future will be helpful.
I am so sorry for your loss. I know you are going through a difficult time right now and I so want to give you a hug! Stay strong and trust in God. You and your son will be fine.
I am so sorry for what you are having to go thru. The shock of thinking that someone this young dies of pneumonia is beyond comprehension. You are doing a good thing by sharing your journey and passing information to others who deal with this. Such support. God bless your family.
I'm so sorry. I can't even imagine what you went through. Such a young age. Sending warm hugs to you and your son.
Oh wow. I am so sorry. What a terrible loss. I love that you will be sharing your story now to help others. Such a great way to make a little good out of something so terrible.
I am so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine what you and your son have been going through. Deepest sympathies and hugs to both of you.
I just happened upon your blog, and read this post. I am so very sorry that you became a widow so young. I lost my husband almost 11 years ago unexpectedly at 45. My sons were 16 and 11 at the time. Widowhood is a tough road and even more so when you have children that grow up without their father. Although it's something you get through but not ever get over, my boys and I have come a long way and cherish our memories of their Dad. For those families that are still intact, I say take those vacations, or weekend getaways that you may think aren't in the budget and take all those pictures and videos because we are certainly never promised tomorrow! Hugs to you and your precious little cowboy!
My heart breaks for you but you will go on & keep his spirit alive for you & your son.
My heart breaks for you, friend. I will definitely be following along and think it is so brave of you to open up and help others by writing about such a hard thing.
You are a brave girl to carry on writing without sharing your sadness. I feel you have many friends out here who will allow you to unburden and that in turn will help many others. Your beautiful son who is part of you both is lucky to have such a strong Mom.