Since I was still displaying my winter wreath on my front door and it’s now May and 90 degrees, I figured this would be a good time to take it down and make a summer wreath! I wanted to make…
Spring Adventures
Carson is at a pretty magical age right now – always so much fun! He loves exploring and thinks anything we do is an adventure. Sure the weeks can be long and mundane, but the weekends are always a breath…
Bacon Wrapped Avocado Fries
I don’t know about you, but I firmly believe that bacon makes everything taste better! We eat avocados almost everyday since that’s about the only healthy thing my little guy will put in his mouth, so I’m always trying to…
Having an Only Child
My husband and I have one beautiful little boy, and he will be our only child. When people find this out they are usually curious of our reasons and ask if we will change our minds eventually, but this was…
Fried Chicken and Waffles
Fried chicken and waffles is the perfect meal to serve at brunch or dinner! It’s great for appetizers or as a meal. We made this for dinner on Saturday night, and man oh man were they delicious! I’ve been seeing…
Taco, burrito, what’s coming out of your speedo?
Mexican food is serious business in Fort Worth. On just about every corner you can find a place to grab a taco. But you’ll never hear me complain, I could eat it every day. When Chad and I were dating…