We were stuck at home for most of last week because of a snow/ice storm, so I decided to search through my son’s craft box and see what we could come up with to keep us entertained. My little guy is always begging to do some sort of craft, so he was excited to make this easy popsicle stick picture frame!
Supplies needed:
4 popsicle sticks
Tissue paper cut into squares
Pipe cleaner
Lay two sticks perpendicular to each other, then glue the ends of two sticks and lay across the top and bottom to make a square. Then crumble one piece of tissue paper at a time, place a dot of glue on one of the sticks and glue the paper. Repeat as many times as needed. Then, just wrap the pipe cleaner around one popsicle stick to create a little handle for hanging.
Look at the joy and excitement of that kiddo – he sure is proud of his craft!
Elizabeth says
What a great job! I am crazy over that tub and the fixtures you chose!
My little guys would love this project!! How fun!
Home of "Tuesday Talk" and "Pincrazy Thursday"~What a great job! I am crazy over that tub and the fixtures you chose!
Home of "Tuesday Talk" and "Pincrazy Thursday"~
very good. my eldest done it too and then my youngest destroy it!
thank you for linking up with the #pinitparty
Love the concentration and elation on his face as he works! You captured it perfectly! I do love a good popsicle stick craft! Thanks so much for taking the time to join us at the #HomeMattersParty – we hope to see you again next week! Feel free to bring a friend 🙂
Such an easy and fun activity! Thanks for linking up to the Bloggers Brags Pinterest Party. I have pinned your post to the Bloggers Brags Pinterest Board.
Such a great activity for learning hands! Thanks for linking up at Motivational Monday! Hope to see you link up again tonight.
A lovely bit of crafting fun. #Prentingpinparty
He did a brilliant job! Thanks for taking part in the Parenting Pin-It Party